protection pentagramLatin Protection Chant

I wanted to make a quick and easy protection chant if you needed a small boost to your defenses. This spell uses your guiding spirit as a psychic shield and would be used in specific instances. This spell will not last and should not be abused.


White Candle

The Spell:

While the candle is in front of you, light it and say

Spiritus Ducentia Protego Me
(spee-ree-two-s | due-ken-tea-ah | pro-teg-oh | meh)

Once the candle is lit, sprinkle your salt and saltpeter mixture over the flame and say three times

Protego Me
(pro-teg-oh | meh)

Visualize your guardian spirit surrounding you with energy shielding you from harm then blow out the candle. You can use this same candle anytime you need a boost, just repeat the spell. I have created a video to go along with this spell to show you how it’s done.

Let me know what you think and if it helps you. Also if you like the video feel free to tell me in the comments here or on Youtube! Talk to you soon everyone.


It has been said to me that I used the wrong form of Protect. Since I call the guardian spirit to protect, the Latin word “protegito” would be the proper form. It does make a lot of sense, since “protego” would be if you were protecting yourself, which could also work as you can just channel the guardian’s power. Either switch your focus, or switch the word!

sweet serenity,